The Mystery Blogger Award

Keiko was kind enough to nominate me for the Mystery Blogger Award last week. Thanks again for the tag Keiko, now let's see if I can clear up some of the mystery surrounding me by answering your questions! The Rules: Put the award logo image on your blog List the rules Thank whoever nominated you... Continue Reading →

The Rose of Versailles Vol 1 Review

Penned by Riyoko Ikeda and beginning publication in 1972, the manga series The Rose of Versailles was a sensationally successful period-drama that's had a huge and lasting impact on the landscape of shojo manga since its release. The story has been adapted into a hit anime, as well as several movies and musicals, and now... Continue Reading →

The Deep & Dark Blue Review

A thrilling fantasy comic filled with intrigue, magic and sword battles, The Deep and Dark Blue is both an exciting tale of adventure and a touching character drama where one young girl discovers the courage she needs to stand up and fight her enemies and, more importantly, to live as her true self. Synopsis: Hawke... Continue Reading →

Zodiac P.I. Series Review

Zodiac P.I. is a series that I have a huge soft spot for, as it's one of the earliest manga series that I ever read and, if memory serves, the second one that I ever bought! Written and illustrated by Natsumi Ando (who is perhaps better known for her other shojo works such as Kitchen... Continue Reading →

The Black Mage Review

The Black Mage is a comic that opens with the one of the best scenes I’ve ever seen! It’s 1852 and Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass are engaged in a sorcery battle with the Ku Klux Klan (who are literal wizards in this alternate history) and, just when things look dire, John Henry shows up... Continue Reading →

20th Century Boys: Perfect Edition Vol 1 Review

20th Century Boys is a series that I’ve been interested in for some time. Written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa, the award-winning creator behind such classic seinen manga as Monster and Pluto, 20th Century Boys tells a thrilling mystery/adventure story involving evil cults, bioterrorism and a group of washed up adults whose childhood games of... Continue Reading →

Our Dining Table Review

Food can hold lots of important memories, whether it’s special treats our parents used to make for us, recipes and traditions that have been passed down through the generations or just memories of having fun eating with friends or family. Our Dining Table is both a treatise on the importance that cooking and dining with... Continue Reading →

Hex Vet Vol 1 & 2 Review

When I was a little kid, there was a period of time when I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up. Mind you, this was before I realized what that would actually entail and that a veterinarian wasn’t a person who just got to cuddle with cute animals all day. That said, I’ve... Continue Reading →

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