Give It A Light Novel Title Challenge

When I first saw Dewbound’s post about the “Give it a Light Novel” tag, I thought it was such a fun idea and I’ve been having a blast reading all of the hilarious titles everyone in the blogging community has been coming up with!

Thank you to Dewbound, Keni and Never Argue with a Fish for tagging me to participate in this challenge and be sure to check out the clever titles that they came up with in their posts.

Here are the Rules:

  • Choose up to five anime, manga, or visual novel series with short titles
    (Light novels are allowed)
  • Give these series a new title based on those incredibly long and ridiculous new anime/ manga/ light novels titles!
  • If someone already picked the anime, don’t worry! You can still challenge them to a fun showdown.
  • Link back to the original post.
  • Include Give it a Light Novel Title in your tags so everyone can find them easily.
  • Nominate around 1-6 bloggers.

Given that this is Al’s Manga Blog, I chose only manga series to be the victims of my retitling efforts (though a few of them also have anime adaptations).


What do I do?! I gave into my predatory instincts and now I’m not sure if I want to eat this Bunny Girl or date her!


Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter

That time I got reincarnated as the villainess of an otome game and used my accounting skills to rebuild the economy of my fiefdom.


A Man and His Cat

My cat is clearly the cutest cat to have ever lived, but no one else seems to realize this! Am I missing something?!


Yona of the Dawn

My childhood crush murdered my father and usurped my kingdom, so now I wander the country adding hot boys to my collection.


Takane & Hana

The age difference between these characters is a problem, but their dynamic is hilarious, so let’s just ignore it!

takane and hana

Well those were a ton of fun to write! Thanks again to Dewbound for coming up with such a creative tag and to everyone who tagged me and gave me an excuse to participate.

Now for my nominations:

I look forward to seeing what all of you come up with, but feel free to ignore this tag if you don’t feel like participating.




12 thoughts on “Give It A Light Novel Title Challenge

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  1. I had to laugh at “A Man and his Cat” because it’s so true. And while I’ve never read “Takane & Hana” that had me laughing at how true it is >..< Great choices!

    Liked by 1 person

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