Ima Koi: Now I’m In Love Vol 1 Review

Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love is written/drawn by Ayuko Hatta, the creator of the Wolf Girl and Black Prince manga. While that series has yet to be licensed in English, I quite enjoyed the anime adaptation, so I’m happy to see some of Hatta’s other works being translated. Hopefully more are on the horizon.

Let’s get into the review!


When a tall, kinda scary-looking boy rescues Satomi from being groped on a train, she’s extremely grateful and more than a little smitten, but the boy leaves before she has a chance to thank him or even ask his name! Luck is on Satomi’s side, however, and the boy in question turns out to be Yagyu, a student who attends the same high school as her!

Satomi is shy and a bit of a goody-two-shoes, so it’s intimidating for her to approach a cool and aloof guy like Yagyu, but she’s learned from past experience that failing to act often means living with regrets. Satomi musters up her courage and talks to her rescuer, finally managing to thank him. While their first conversation is a bit brusque, Satomi doesn’t give up on getting to know him and Yagyu is impressed by her efforts – leading him to want to get to know her better too!


Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love is what I’d classify as light reading. It’s a simple story without too much drama that’s easy to get into and relaxing to read.

Satomi is a cute protagonist who’s quiet and caring, if a bit lacking in confidence. In the past, she held back from confessing her feelings to the person she liked and then regretted it later when she realized she’d given up without even trying. She’s determined not to make the same mistake with Yagyu and makes an effort to put herself out there, which ultimately allows the two of them to form a connection.

Yagyu initially wasn’t that interested in Satomi, after all, stepping in to help a girl who’s being harassed is simply the right thing to do and he’d have done the same for anyone. There’s more to Satomi than first meets the eye, however. Eventually, Satomi’s obvious interest in him and adorable, if occasionally reckless, efforts to be more outgoing leave an impression and he begins to view her as someone he’d like to get to know. Thus, the two start dating!

Theirs is not exactly a whirlwind romance, but I enjoyed this sweet tale of two teens tentatively starting a relationship and growing in affection as they spend time together. I felt that Satomi and Yagyu fit together well as a couple, despite their differences. I was also pleased to see that Satomi continued to try and be more proactive throughout this volume, even standing up for Yagyu when some punks are rude to him. When she puts her mind to it, Satomi becomes a force to be reckoned with!

Unfortunately, the humor in this series isn’t as wild as what I’d seen in Hatta’s other works (or at least the one anime adaptation of said work that I’ve seen), which was a little disappointing. That said, there are still some solid jokes sprinkled throughout the manga that got a chuckle out of me. I especially enjoyed the interplay between Yagyu’s jerky friend Tenma and Satomi’s energetic friend Nomi. Both of these characters are protective of their BFF’s, so it’s fun to see them pitted against each other. I feel like Nomi comes out on top in this round!

Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love delivered a fluffy teen romance that’s perfect for anyone looking for something mellow and charming to enjoy. Shojo manga fans should give it a try!

Final Score: 8.5 out of 10

For more information on this manga, visit Viz Media’s website.

What did you think of this manga? Let me know in the comments!

Be sure to check out some of my other recent shojo manga reviews:

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6 thoughts on “Ima Koi: Now I’m In Love Vol 1 Review

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  1. This seems like a series I would like, but I passed for now since I didn’t think it sounded like it did anything new or have a fresh spin that made me want to rush out. But I’d like to check it out sometime, and I like the “no effect!” joke!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been a little curious about this series for a while, it has actually been some time since I’ve read a shojo manga so I’m probably a little out of touch with the genre. May have to give this a little look.

    Liked by 1 person

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